

安省的 Muskoka 被评为“世界十大避暑胜地”之一, 也是加拿大最富裕的社区之一, 该地区拥有完善的娱乐、休闲和生 活设施,这也为来此求学的国际学生提供了最好的融入主流社会 的各种活动。


联谊大学认可杜威公学的英语及专业教学水平,因此杜威公学毕业生可免托福、雅思成绩直升联谊大学本科。同时,“名校保送班”为有 志升入世界一流大学的学生提供了“绿色通道”




任课教师不仅具有安大略省教师资格,还具有丰富的国际学 生教学经验。他们理解学生,关爱学生,是学生学业成功的保证。



杜威公学是一所由加拿大安大略省教育部批准成立的私立高中及大学预科学院, 并是唯一一所以大学标准硬件、软件及学术设施搭建的中学,招收加拿大当地学生和国际留学生。学生在校修读完相关课程并成绩合格, 均可获得安大略省教育部颁发的“安大略省高中毕业证”(Ontario Secondary School Diploma,简称OSSD)。并与全球超过十个国家的学校交流合作,”名校保送班”项目更为有志进入一流大学的学生提供绿色通道。

我们重视每一个学生的成长。在“以学生为本”的杜威公学,资深的教育专家为学生量身定做课程计划; 经验丰富的授课教师让学生迅速提高英语和专业水平; 与大学的联谊合作为学生创造了更多的升学机会; 一流的设施和专业系统的服务保证了每一个学生的健康成长、直通梦想。

杜威公学以高质量的教学标准和一流的校园环境而著名。校園內有完整的餐饮设备、有大学规模的、新型的、高端的教学楼,并有顶级的学生宿舍楼, 同时拥有一个标准的棒球场和室内活动场,对学生生活更提供全方面的服务,帮助学生尽快融入北美生活, 塑造他们成为具有国际视野的人才。

Premium Location

Muskoka is one of the most esteemed communities in Canada and ranked # 1 Best for best trips of 2011 by National Geographic.

A Variety of rograms

Dewey Institute offers University credit transfer courses, high school credit courses, English as a Second Language and English proficiency training and on-campus testing facilities.

Highly Qualified Teachers

Our teaching staff have rich teaching experience and possess Ontario Teachers’ Certitficates. With low teacher-to-student ratio in a personalized learning environment, teaching and learning is focused on establishing strong academic foundation for our students.

A Complete Set of Services

Dewey Institute firmly believes in providing holistic services by assisting students with application for study permits, airport pick-up, accommodation arrangements, course selection, university application, visa extension. Dewey College looks after all of the students’ personal needs.

Inspired by Dewey, two greatest modern Chinese educators ushered in the golden age of new Chinese cultural education: Xingzhi Tao’s educational philosophy “Learning by doing”, and Shi Hu’s philosophy of individual independence and broader social teaching. Likewise, Donna Zhang, CEO of Dewey Education Group, is inspired by her PhD supervisor Professor Clive Beck, who is a follower of Dewey philosophy himself.

This is the origin of Dewey College and Dewey Institute. Originate from North America, and serve the world.

John Dewey

America’s greatest educator in the 20th century

Educational Philosophy

Pragmatic Instruction, Multi-cultural Community

Dewey Institute leverages its forward-looking teaching philosophy and international intellectual resources to enrich the students’ outlook as a global citizen. Adopting John Dewey’s educational philosophy of pragmatism, Dewey Institute emphasizes the interactive relationship between individual development and social advancement, and explores the two-way dialogue between teaching and learning along its consistent endeavors.

Dewey meticulously calibrates a multi-cultural learning community to broaden the outlook of its teachers as well as staff. Dewey teachers are graduates from famous universities across the world, which translate into a multi-perspective approach into subject teaching and research. In addition, Dewey also attaches great importance to the cultivation of the students’ overall qualifications by inviting social elites from various circles of society to shape the students’ personality, which in turn, shapes the future world. Dewey students develop their teamwork spirit based on the enhancement of independent problem-solving skills, striking a perfect balance between independent work and collaboration.

At Dewey Institute, we uphold and pursue a pragmatic, balanced education to help students bring their knowledge acquisition on par with knowledge application, and to strengthen their overall ability to make well-informed decisions in the future.

Dewey Institute Management Team

Craig Shelswell

Chairman of Dewey Educational Group

Craig Shelswell’s educational footprints in Canadian public education span over half a century. Over the decade-long career, he assumed various roles such as principal, School Board Director and Ontario Ministry of Education Inspector. He knows better than anybody that the core of international education is to transform the educational setting into a console where diverse cultures merge and global perspectives emerge. Rooted in North America and looking beyond to the future, the Group aims to shape the global citizens and prepare them for the incoming changes.

Dr. Donna Zhang

CEO of Dewey Educational Group

Dr. Zhang believes that all education is futurology: each class is a lookout for the future, and every campus is a trial-and-error base for the future society. An educator should be down-to-earth in his attitude, imaginative in his outlook, and composed in his temperament.